Lucy Hawking introduces Brief Answers To The Big Questions

//Lucy Hawking introduces Brief Answers To The Big Questions

Lucy Hawking introduces Professor Hawking’s Final Book

We are excited to share the news that this October 15th will see the publication of Brief Answers to the Big Questions, the final book by Professor Stephen Hawking.

Lucy Hawking says: “The book, which our father was working on at the time of his death, is drawn from his extraordinary personal archive and comprises his final thoughts on the universe’s biggest questions – it has been completed in collaboration with his academic colleagues, his family and the Stephen Hawking Estate, and a percentage of the royalties will go to Charity.”

To celebrate the publication of the book there are two public events with Professor Hawking’s friends, family, and very special guests talking about the Big Questions, his final work and celebrating his legacy.

One is at the Royal Institution in London, where Stephen Hawking gave his famous Reith Lectures; the other is at the Cavonius Centre, Stephen Hawking Building in Cambridge.
